Yes, it was awesome, but I'm a writer. I can do better than that, right?
I will never get over how amazing it feels to meet readers in real life. To actually talk to people about my work and see their faces light up when they find a story they connect with. There are just some things you can't achieve through the phone screen. Like the moment a new reader finds you and they're excited about all the adventures you're introducing them to. Or when a reader who has already read most of your work comes up to tell you how much they enjoy what you do and are looking forward to what you have coming next.
I met so many new readers and got to chat with people who were already familiar with my work. There were songs and laughter, and we had an all-around great time!
It was awesome to see so many people come out to support the event and engage with the creators. And I look forward to working with SUBSUME in the future for new events they have in store.
I'm working now to plan for the next event! I will be speaking at Clark Atlanta in April. So excited to host a workshop and get involved with the community.
Thanks to everyone who came out, and to those who continue to support me on this amazing author journey.